Safety nets have been added to the Discoveryland Hyperion ship.
It is not uncommon to encounter safety nets in Disneyland Paris. In Fantasyland, several roofs have been fitted with nets due to crumbling materials (currently under repair to fix the issue). Similar nets have also been placed along the walking path of La Cabane des Robinson and in various areas of the Tower of Terror at Walt Disney Studios Park. These measures have been taken to ensure the safety of both visitors and staff and are generally not noticeable to most people.

The latest victim, unfortunately, is the Hyperion Ship at Café Hyperion (Discoveryland), located opposite the Orbitron attraction. The area around the entrance to the quick-service restaurant, including decorative elements such as the pigeon animatronics, is now surrounded by safety nets.
Disneyland Paris has not communicated why the ship has been equipped with nets.

Café Hyperion in Discoveryland
Café Hyperion is a travel-themed restaurant in Discoveryland, located in Disneyland Park. It is situated next to Videopolis, where the giant airship Hyperion appears to be docked inside the building. The fast food counters are designed as ticket booths where guests can “purchase” tickets for a flight aboard the Hyperion airship. The restaurant serves a mix of American dishes, such as burgers and fries.